As I was perusing Pinterest in the free time that I don't have, I stumbled upon a blog that talked about 217 things to do in 2017. The list was to spur ideas for you to shake up your life for 2017. I also just started going through what I think is going to be an amazing journal by Charity Reeb with my best friend. Charity's website tagline is "Live for what matters. Die without regrets." So good! So, I thought I'd come up with my own list geared toward living a more adventurous and free life chasing an epic life story. Remember, resolutions should not just be something that you check off a list, but they should spur real life change.
As I wrote this, it got way more intense and deeper than I intended. I have lots to work on for 2017. ;)
1. Reconnect with God. First and foremost, everything in our lives should go back to God. I'm not talking in a weird way. City Church's Judah Smith said,
"Are we living constantly aware of God? Now, when I say constantly aware of God, what I don't mean is that you are weird. Like don't go to the mall and buy some lipstick for a friend for Christmas, and when the clerk says, 'Is that all?' 'Uh, hold on, let me pray... No, I'd like some blush as well. Yes, Lord. And some eyeshadow. Thank you.'
Being constantly aware of God isn't about an external demonstration. It doesn't have to freak everyone out including your fellow Christian friends. It's a heart thing."
But I am talking about living aware of God. Where is your heart? Is your heart so in love with Him and passionate about what excites God? Are you in awe of God? Are you living life with a wide-eyed wonder of God?
The only way we will ever live a life that is so full of freedom, adventure and passion is to be in tune with God's purpose for our lives.
Everyday find some time to be alone with God, whether it is 5 minutes or for 2 hours. With 2 littles, I am in the 5 minute camp. Before kids, I savored every single minute of my extended quiet times with Him. Check out IF:Gathering or SheReadsTruth for apps and daily lessons.
2. Get focused. Figure out what makes your heart pound and makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning. That is why you are alive. Check out Simon Sinek's TED talk and Charity Reeb's Real Life Journal.
3. Love a little deeper. "What the world needs now, is love, sweet love. It's the one thing that there's just too little of." Diana Ross was so right. In my personal life, I'm all about living in community with others because we cannot get through life as an island. We will go through difficult situations where we need the friendship, compassion, strength, and love of others. I want to encourage you to make 2017 a year where you solidify and build a community of people around you. I'm not talking about shallow relationships here. I'm talking about the kind of friends where you can have a fight and know that they will still be there. I'm talking the kind of friends that love you in spite of and through the bad times. I'm talking specifically about those friends that push you to be a better person and to love God more. We all need those friends so that when we hit difficult times, we know that we have multiple people that truly love and care for us.
4. Go on an adventure. Whatever life stage you are in, make an adventure happen. For me, an adventure means going to the grocery store with both my littles without any help. A few years ago, going on an adventure meant moving to another country. Go on whatever adventure makes your life more exciting, poses a little risk, and pushes your comfort zone!
5. Love yourself. Learn to love that gorgeous face in the mirror. Remember that you were fearfully and wonderfully made. Do whatever you need to get (or stay) healthy and live a healthy life. Kick the habits that hurt your body. My personal goal is to run a 10k in March.
6. Laugh out loud. It is scientifically proven (by somebody, somewhere) that laughter is good for you. So get together with some friends and watch a hilarious movie. Or you can just get the game with the dental mouthpieces...
7. Pick a room, a closet, or a drawer and get it organized! Pick a space a simplify it. As Americans, we have a lot of stuff. We have a lot of useless stuff, broken stuff, unused stuff... you get my point? It is just a lot of clutter that also creates a little bit of stress. Pick a small space, declutter, organize, and get rid of, recycle, repurpose, donate, or trash that clutter.
8. Visit a part of your city that you've never seen. We moved to a new city last year, so we have lots of opportunities for this. Perhaps you live in a one stoplight town and grew up there your entire life. I did, too, and there were still places and roads that I hadn't visited. This past summer I went back to my hometown and discovered an old park that I'd never before seen.
9. Go a week without TV/Netflx/going to the movies/Facebook/IG/SC... Can you do it? Imagine the perspective that you'd gain! I did this a few years ago while we were in the mountains and it was crazy awesome how you can clear your head. (This might be a good thing to do while trying to reconnect with God.)
10. Write a handwritten letter. Don't you feel special when you get a snail mail letter addressed to you? It feels even more special when it is handwritten. Tell the recipient how much they mean to you and how they've changed your life.
11. Anonymously do something kind. Whether it is a boo bag around Halloween, playing one of Santa's elves at Christmas, or just paying it forward, find something big or small that could encourage and bless someone else.
12. Tell someone that you love them (and give your parents a hug).
13. Pursue that one thing that makes you jump out of bed in the morning. Sometimes that just means spending time learning. Sometimes that means creating something new.
14. Take a vacation or staycation. Take time to rest. Pick a weekend every month or every 2 months where you don't leave your house.
15. Journal, photograph, video, or paint. Create a record of your experiences to document what you learned by pushing your boundaries and growing as a person.
16. Drink great coffee.
17. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.
What are your 2017 Resolutions? I'd love for you to tell me! Post on my Facebook page or my Instagram your 2017 Resolutions. Or you can send me a direct message by filling out the form below!