This might be the last normal summer before you head off to college. Often, the summer after graduating includes senior trips, travel, and other things to prepare for moving out of your childhood home.
Tears anyone?!? Just me? Ok.
Let's move on.
What are the top 3 things you MUST do the summer before your senior year?
# 1. Spend time with family
This is important. This is especially important if you have younger siblings. This big life change isn't just about you. Their lives are changing, too. While you are moving on to a new and exciting stage of life, they are left behind so see an empty chair at the dining table. Spend time with your family. Love on your parents and siblings.
They want you to grow and to succeed. They want you to chase your dreams. Just remember to love them during the transition.
#2. Learn how to do your own laundry
Learn how to do your laundry and all the other important chores that your mom does to make sure that you can survive a week.
- How do you make a doctor appointment?
- Do you know how to change a tire?
- Do you know how to plan a well balanced diet?
- Do you know how to manage your finances?
#3. Start Exercising
Senior year is stressful. College is even more stressful. While you are on summer break, start an exercise routine as a stress relief outlet.
Not only will exercise help you relieve stress, it often is a very useful tool when you hit a studying or creative roadblock. I often use a short 3 mile run as a work break. Getting blood flowing can give you a new focus on homework or projects.
Especially if you are a current student athlete and don't plan to play a sport in college, the summer before your senior year is a good time to take control of your own exercise routine. Work with your coaches to plan your cardio and weight lifting activities. You have personal access to personal trainers! Use them to your advantage. ;)