back to school mini

Back to School mini 2015: Burrs

For our Back to School minis this year, we had a specific look in mind: vintage and aged. Alyssa and I tag teamed this session.

Look at those eyes.

I love this. Siblings. :) Best. Friends. Ever. I have my own pictures with my siblings where one of us is attacking the other, getting on the other's nerves, or something similar. I love those pictures! 

I love several of the images we got of Ellie. She carried around a giant Disney book that we set out as a prop. She intently studied the images on each page. She starts school this year! I bet she uses that same intensity on her schoolwork. 

I really enjoyed watching this family interact. As we began, Ellie was a little nervous to be in front of the camera. And I completely understand! It can be scary! There's a reason that I like to stay behind my lens. ;) As we worked with her a little bit and her mom and dad made her laugh, she slowly felt more comfortable. It's like you could see her start to come out of her "nervous shell." She's an adorable little girl! 

Again, with the eyes! 

We enjoyed it guys! Best of luck this school year!

Landon Evenson

Sometimes, you just find someone who loves to be in front of the camera. 

Since his mommy takes lots of photos (see her portfolio here), he knows the drill, knows the poses, and can work the camera. 

Landon is such a sweetie. I might be partial- he loves my Lucy... and I love those that love my little one. 

Landon is starting his first year of school this year. Preschool! Best of luck, Landon. 

Back to School Minis 2015

This week we are shooting back to school minis! 

What's a mini?

A mini is a shorter session. We pick the location, props, theme, etc. You show up, look beautiful, and get awesome pictures without all the planning of a more personalized session. 

What do I get?

  • 30 minute session on location of photographer's choosing
  • 1 digital file with limited print release (with the option to buy additional)
  • gallery posted online and in an app (iPhone and android)
  • 1 mini accordion book
  • a few other surprises!

Other Comments

These are turning out SUPER cute, and aren't only for the younger kids. These would be super fun for a quick senior session. 

We have limited spaces available, and the sessions are filling up fast! There are only a few spots remaining. We only offer a few mini sessions each year. Don't wait, schedule yours today.