Senior: Kimberlee + Fort Worth, Tx + Fort Worth Senior Photography
Super Secret Senior Session: Liz
When I started working with Liz during the shoot, she was all giggles. It surprises me that almost all of her pictures are more serious, because that is not Liz at all. Her laugh and smile are contagious!
Liz says that she is very close to her family, and that her biggest supporters are her grandparents.
Liz is a senior at Marshall High School. She plans to first attend Texas State University in San Marcos and then pursue a medical degree and specialize in pediatric surgery.
Isn't she gorgeous?!?
This was one of the shots that I was so excited to do for the shoot! I specifically ordered red smoke grenades because Liz attends Marshall. Guys, smoke grenades are just way too much fun!!
Those eyes.
Thanks, Liz! You are amazing! God has so much planned for you!
Hair and makeup by Kaylee Whyte.
Wardrobe provided by Krush Boutique in Longview.
Franklin Family: 2015
This family is one of my favorite to photograph. I might be biased: they are family! They have always given in to my requests over the years to follow them around with my camera. During my first film class in college, Ruger, their oldest, made his entrance to the world. I remember taking film pictures of the few day old little man while he slept on Justin and Julie's dining room table in their one bedroom apartment. Aw! My heart gets all happy just thinking about it! I processed the film in the darkroom. I was so worried that I would ruin the precious film and lose the precious photos of their adorable baby. Guys, I had only processed a few rolls of film before Ruger was born. I won't lie, I might have spent a few days building up my courage to process this roll of film. Once I built up the guts to break into the film canister, I headed toward the darkroom. As the image appeared on the paper, my heart sang. It was adorable.
Things have changed for me since this guy was born. I've switched to digital. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE the art of film photography. That's exactly what it is: ART. But, I'm kind of a tech geek. I love my computer and all the techie stuff that goes along with digital photography. I applaud those photographers that still jump in the darkroom.
I absolutely love watching these boys grow up both through living life with them and from behind my lens. I have hundreds of pictures of these boys, and I plan to take hundreds more. Their parents are doing such a great job. These boys are respectful and sweet. They have their own personalities and interests. And aren't they good looking fellas?!? I mean, those eyes!
Look for this image in the Hallsville Bobcat football program this year! Denny's of Longview (view Facebook page here) bought a full page and I designed the ad!
I love it.