I had a conversation with a client the other day that brought me to tears.
And I have a feeling that if I had the same conversation with you, it would be a similar story because it is so pervasive in our society.
My client told me about herself. Her story. Who she believes she is. All the things she said broke my heart. She believed so many things about herself that just are not true.
I'm guilty of the same thing. So many of us have an identity crisis. I have to daily fight that inner voice that speaks lies and tells me:
you aren't good enough
you can't do anything right
you aren't pretty enough
you'll never be successful
you aren't talented
you are a failure
Those lies are not who I am. They are not who YOU are.
We are all different. You are so much more than labels or what society says you are. You are so much more than the lies that the enemy curses over you. You are so much more than what someone says to you in anger.
Remember: God made you with differences and uniqueness. He gave you special abilities, ideas, and perceptions that no one else has. You have a divine and individual calling on your life that He has created just for you. No one else can touch the world quite like you.
Let me tell you:
You are worthy.
You are beautiful.
You are loved.
You are strong.
You belong.
You may need to put this on repeat:
If you ever question who you are, message me. We'll make sure that you have no question as to who you are. <3
So who do you think you are?
Where do you find your worth? You can't find it in likes on Insta, your looks, boyfriends, girlfriends, or achievements. The things of this world will eventually change and you won't have those things anymore. We don't stand on top forever.
You have to find your worth in Jesus alone.
Rest in His promises of who he says you are.
Our world isn't the truth. Jesus is.